Extended visa period for foreign tourists, students, and digital nomads

The government of Thailand approved on 28 May 2024 the longer stay visa periods for foreign visitors, postgraduate students, and remote workers. Also, there is a new change of conditions for retirement visa for foreigners in order to promote the tourism industry in Thailand since it has been considered as one of the largest economic sectors. The changes will start in June 2024.

The new visa regulations will allow oversea tourists coming from 93 countries, previously from 57 countries, to stay in Thailand for 60 days from the current period of 30 days. For foreign students, the new visa scheme will allow postgraduate students to stay in Thailand for additional one more year after their graduation. On the other hand, a new visa policy for overseas digital nomads or remote workers will extend the period of stay to 5 years from the current one for 60 days provided that each stay cannot exceed 180 days.