Thailand has legalized medical use of Cannabis, but prohibited its use for recreation purpose

On 24 January 2022, Thai Food and Drug Administration or Thai FDA announced that Cannabis and Hemp are medicinal plant that has a number of benefits and its substance can be used for in various health products, including food, medicine, cosmetics, herbs and others. In addition, a bill to legalize the household cultivation and consumption of cannabis in some locations has been proposed to Thailand’s Narcotics Board for its consideration. Thailand’s Narcotics Board has approved the new bill and removed cannabis from its narcotic list. Under the new bill, it allows households to grow cannabis plant for their own consumption after notifying their local government authority. However, such consumption only be used for the medical purposes like traditional medicine. Those who grow cannabis without notifying their local government will be fined up to 20,000 baht. For commercial purpose, those who would like to engage in commercial cultivation, import, export, sales and advertisements of cannabis shall apply for and obtain a license from Thai FDA. Those who sell cannabis without Thai FDA’s approval will be subject to a fine of up to 300,000 baht or 3 years imprisonment, or both.